
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change: Week 4

As always, my SMART goal has been to eat 4 servings of vegetables daily.  I had better luck this week but a little struggle over the weekend.

This past week I decided to make a huge salad with lettuce (of course), tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, and carrots.  This helped me during the school days because I had a salad ready to go for lunch, and all I needed to pack was some salad dressing.  The lettuce, cucumbers, and carrots were from the organic section of the grocery store I went to, too.

Over the weekend, I had made a trip to the Wisconsin Dells for a dance convention.  This made reaching my goal a bit tricky to handle while I was gone.  Whenever we got food, I tried to incorporate some form of vegetable with my meal, whether it was ordering a salad, getting a side of vegetables, or sometimes I just couldn't get any.  I probably only got about 2 servings daily while I was gone.  I still think I did pretty good considering my circumstances, and I made the best choices I could while I was away.

This week made me think about how changing your setting (for example: me going on a mini-vacation) can temporarily alter your habits or lifestyle.  If you are set on a goal or lifestyle that you want to accomplish, you CAN do it, you just need to be smart about what you do, eat, or whatever it may be that concerns your lifestyle.  I learned that it is possible to keep up with a goal or try to, but you just have to put a little effort in.

Next week I plan to do as I have been: creating a planned out lunch for school and incorporating vegetables in meals whenever I can.


  1. I find that the hardest time to keep up with any lifestyle change is when you're out of your normal routine. It's hard to keep up with it when you're not in the same setting, doing the same things every day. It sounds like you're doing a great job though! Also, I plan on doing some of my grocery shopping at Whole Food's this week and purchasing some organic veggies...after watching those documentaries in class I'm having a hard time purchasing what I normally would!

  2. I really like that you tried to incorporate vegetables into your trip. I know it is hard to eat healthy on vactation, but I love that you still at least make an effort to!

  3. Eating healthy while on vacation is impressive, kudos to you. Great job following through with you plan.
