
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Eye Opener: Environmental Working Group

I decided to look up the ChapStick brand chap stick I use because the "dry" season has just started, and I'm starting to use my chap stick ALL the time.  I use lots of different brands of chap sticks, but this is one that I think is a popular one among everyone.  I was surprised to see that the hazard number was as high as 6!

I guess what surprised me the most is just the fact that this is hazardous at a moderate level.  Chap stick is something almost everyone uses often or at least sometimes (especially in dry climates like our winters).  It makes me feel like I need to be more aware of what I am putting on my body, like lotion, makeup, nail polish, etc.  I began to look up more cosmetics I use, and most of them were either at level 6 or lower.  I am glad that I don't have any cosmetics that were higher than 6, but it still makes me more aware of what I choose to put on my skin.

As I said before, I use lots of different kinds of chap stick/lip balm.  I looked up another brand that I use, and it is much safer than the ChapStick brand.  It's called Eos Lip Balm, so I recommend you all try this kind!


  1. I didn't even think of looking up the chap stick I use! I use a ton of chap stick, like you, and they are all different kinds. I do buy some of my chap stick at the Whole Food's store and I know that it's mostly all organic. I will def try and remember to purchase the Eos Lip Balm next time I purchase chap stick though!

  2. I will definitely have to find this chap stick, as well as better (more safe) health products.

  3. I also use a lot of chapstick, I didn't even think about looking that up. Maybe I will try to find the eos.
