
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART Goal

When thinking of what I wanted to choose as my Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change, I was hoping to accomplish something that not only benefit the environment, but myself as well.  I decided that my goal will be the following:  I will increase my vegetable intake by having 4 servings (2 cups) a day, and I will choose vegetables that are not already packaged.This lifestyle change is Eco-Chic because I am benefitting the environment by choosing more foods that are unprocessed and unpackaged.  This is also beneficial to me because I am increasing the amounts of greens I eat.  I usually try to eat vegetables as often as I can, but I know I can improve.

I think this lifestyle change is so important to me because eating healthy can improve my health and wellness, which is what I strive to do everyday.  I like the thought of knowing what I consume is helping me be a stronger, healthier, and a happier person.  It's also important that I try and help our environment in any way that I can, which is why I chose to purchase vegetables that are unpackaged.

Here's to a new lifestyle change for the next 10 weeks, and let's hope I can stick with it!  Good luck to everyone else who will be doing the lifestyle change, too!