
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3

This past week was a little challenging for me time-wise.  With my SMART goal being to increase my vegetable intake by eating 4 servings daily, I ran into an issue with time management.  I still followed through with choosing more vegetables in my diet, but I had a few days where I simply did not have enough time to make anything for the entire week or time to get to the grocery store.  Luckily, I had lots of vegetables at home, but it made my week more challenging by only eating raw vegetables.  I ate lots of broccoli, carrots, celery, and I had an occasional salad with grape tomatoes and cucumbers.  All of these vegetables were even bought at Whole Foods (some were packaged, some not).  I still think I did a good job at keeping up with my goal, but I feel like this past week wasn't as "fun" as what it could have been like the previous week.

I think the one thing I learned this week is that I personally need to plan out how I will bring vegetables into my meals.  I feel like this week was a lot tougher to get through because I didn't have a set dish for the week.

I plan to find another fun and easy recipe for this week so I can keep the excitement in eating fruits and vegetables.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Eye Opener: CSPI

Here are my results from taking the Score Your Diet quiz:

My best numbers were from eating lots of vegetables and nuts, as well as eating lots of fruits.  I enjoy eating vegetables, especially fruits.  I like to eat a variety of nuts from Whole Foods as snacks while I'm at school.  I scored lowest on my cheese and beef/chicken intake.  I was surprised these lowered my grand total so much because I really didn't think I ate that much animal product.  I knew the cheese would lower my score because I LOVE cheese.  

I would say I need the most help in my health and animal welfare because of the dairy I eat.  Dairy should be consumed sparingly, but I do try and eat low fat or fat free options.  I will try and eat less cheese and try and not to eat so much animal product!

Overall, these quizzes and informational websites opened my eyes to what I consumer compared to what I should consume.  I think I am better with my choice in foods than some people, and I didn't think my scores would be so undermining.  I am still willing to take charge of my habits and try to strive to eat organic greens and fruits as much as possible to help me with my health and the environment.