
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Share 'N' Voice Week 2: Forks Over Knives

I wouldn't expect Twitter to be a "resourceful" place, but I was surprised by a Tweet from Katy Perry that shared some great information that I now get to share on my blog.  Katy Perry, a vegetarian herself, Tweeted a post claiming that EVERYONE needed to watch the movie "Forks Over Knives".  Since I have Netflix, I searched for it.. and there it was!

This movie is definitely a "must watch", especially for those who don't think food have that large of an impact on their health.  This film begins by explaining all of the epidemics of chronic diseases that are occurring more and more in adults and even children.  Did you know the generation of children growing up right now are expected to NOT live as long as their parents?  

This film goes on to explain how all of the foods we consume correlate to potential health problems, risks, and diseases we may come across later on in life.  I thought it was funny to listen to all the people asked as to "why meat is an important part of our diet", and they responded "PROTEIN!"... how funny!  Sure, there's protein in chicken and other meats, but I find it sad that the average American does not understand protein is abundant in our green leafy foods!  

I already knew a lot of the information covered in this film, but it was just a good affirmation for my beliefs when it comes to what foods are best to eat and the consequences of eating poorly.  I always try and inform friends and family of these issues and how choosing the right foods will help us all in the long run.

One thing I really admired after watching this film is noticing the picture they used for the cover:  they have a fork as the best choice and they put a surgeon's knife at the bottom instead of (what I thought would have been) a steak knife.  I thought it was very clever of them to change the type of knife, since it sets the image that if you choose proper whole, organic, and green foods, you won't need to worrying about going "under the knife".

So if you have time (about an hour and a half), watch this film!  You won't be sorry!


  1. I totally agree with you, Cole. I think moderation is key in America... people just eat too much of one thing and not enough of the other. While eating whole foods like leafy greens, fruits, and legumes is the best option, I think personally I prefer to have some meat in my life.. we just all need to consume it wisely.

  2. I never would of thought Twitter could be used as a resource like the one you found! I agree with you both, it really did catch my attention! Moderation and portion control really is the key. When I was in Australia they would serve us, and I remember thinking, is this an appetizer? It is crazy how different portions we eat and are use to compared to other countries!

  3. When you see that title you do expect to see a butter knife or something you would eat with and not a surgical knife. I think too many people are misinformed about the food they eat. It does not help that our government tends to be swayed by big companies too so that affects what information they tell us regarding the food we should be eating. Thanks for the post.
