
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reflections 1-7

It's crazy that 7 weeks have already flown by!  I feel like this class has gone over a lot of what I have already learned, but this "information" became more apart of my lifestyle and beliefs, rather than just what I know.  I feel thankful to be apart of a academic program that discusses such essential information, and I think this class is something everyone should be taking.

Usually I hate taking classes where we have to make goals for ourselves and then try them out.  I always feel like I never get fully satisfied with my goal, but this class was different.  Even though my goal was as simple as adding more veggies to my diet by purchasing them from Whole Foods CoOp, I found it to be very beneficial and something I can accomplish after this class is over.  The Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change really taught me the ideas of what it is to have a goal and how to mold my daily lifestyle to make it manageable for my needs.

I enjoyed the interesting videos we watched, too.  I think my favorite video was "Tapped" because I recently had to do a project on the concerns of water bottle production and use.  Even though I had done a lot of research for my project, I really did learn a lot more in the video than I already knew.  I personally try my hardest to stay away from bottled products, water being a big "no-no".  I really liked the part of the video that discussed how water bottles have turned into the "baby bottle"of adults:  it's there to comfort us, to know we have something of our very own.  This made me laugh, but it is so true!  Our country is so concerned about their individual selves, which in turn, increases our bottled water consumption because so many people think "it's convenient, so it doesn't mater".

Another thing I enjoyed in this class was the outdoor activity where we "became one with the earth".  It is so relaxing when we can find time to just enjoy the simple things in life, like the wind, the sun, the grass, and the fall smells.  Even though I have done activities like this before, I think it was great to do it in our class to have people do it that may have never done it before.  This activity simply reminded me that I need to take a second or two each day and just enjoy what is around me and to wipe out the life stresses.

Lastly, I really enjoyed our "junking" session.  Learning to reuse and repurpose objects we have lying around the house is such a good idea!  The activity where we tried to find ways to repurpose objects from Dr. Nowak's house really opened my eyes to all of the possibilities that I can find in simple objects.  I enjoyed finding myself to be creative, even though I never considered myself to be.

I'm very eager to know what other awesome things we will be doing and learning in this class for the last half!  


  1. Hello new group member! We really have learned so much in this class. I think for most of us, the topics we have talked about are not some foreign ideas that we have never heard about but in this class we have learned about them in different ways. It is also cool to be able to post on other peoples blogs and get to see what they are talking about.

  2. I also am looking forward to our "junking" project. I think it is so much fun and so rewarding to make something old look new and have a functional purpose.

    Congratulations on a successful eco-chic lifestyle project, too! I wish we had a co-op closer to where I live. When I get the chance to shop at a farmers market or co-op I feel like a kid in a candy store. I hate buying veggies from the normal store, after homegrown and co-op veggies there's just no comparison. So, sadly, in the winter months we have less veggies than I'd like.

  3. Hey new group members!
    I agree with you both, I am VERY excited about the junking project. I think it's going to be really cool to see all of the ideas that everyone comes up with.
    Also, congratulations on your new lifestyle changes! I am finding the same thing with eating less vegatables now that it is cold.
