
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

After taking the Ecological Footprint Quiz, I was surprised at my results and how much I depend on services on a day-to-day basis.  Food was another large part of my dependency since I don't eat as many local grown and organic foods as I should. 

I also thought the analogy of "how many worlds" we would need if everyone lived like me was shocking.  It's a good way of showing just how much some of us depend on our world (a little too much dependency).

 I think if I can conserve more everyday (like not letting water or electricity run if I don't need it), that would help make a better impact on my ecological footprint.  As for other aspects of my ecological footprint, I would like to try and eat more locally grown foods and try to eat more fresh, unprocessed foods.  Even though mobility wasn't the largest impact I had, I would still like to keep up with carpooling as often as I can and riding the bus when possible.  It definitely saves on gas and helps with pollution, too!

1 comment:

  1. It is definitely important to be environmentally friendly, and I love the idea of carpooling and taking the bus around. I try to do that as much as I can too, and often carpool whenever I can. Being environmentally friendly can even be as small as turning off the lights when you leave the room, and I encourage you to keep thinking of ways to conserve energy!
